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Jean Hailes for Women's Health is an incorporated association governed by an independent Board of Directors who provide their time and expertise on a voluntary basis and receive no fees, salaries or benefits from the work they undertake for the Board. The Board oversees and ensures compliance with our vision, mission and strategic direction.

Our main source of funding is government grants and philanthropic funding. We are also receive support from corporate, community and private donations.

Objectivity and ethical standards

Jean Hailes has developed a significant reputation as an independent and objective source of information on the latest evidence-based developments in women's health. This independence and objectivity is recognised by women, the community and government.

In particular, we protect our academic freedom and right to speak objectively and openly on all matters, controversial or otherwise. Jean Hailes considers it important that the organisation and its staff abide by an ethical culture.

We are committed to a high standard of behaviour and bases its ethical principles, standards and guidelines that include and incorporate those published by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians where applicable and the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Health and Research Ethical Guidelines.

Conflicts of interest

Our process around conflicts of interest include:

  • not allowing personal interests or the interests of any associated person to conflict with the interests of the organization,
  • personal interests or those of an associated person must not be given priority over those of the organization,
  • full disclosure of any conflict or potential conflict including significant and possible consequences.


The Jean Hailes Foundation (Jean Hailes for Women's Health) is recognised by the Australian Tax Office as a not-for-profit organisation. All donations over $2 are tax deductible in Australia.