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Chief Executive Officer

Dr Sarah White is the Chief Executive Officer of Jean Hailes for Women’s Health, Australia’s national digital gateway for women’s health information and the leading non-governmental organisation providing women’s health information and education to the general public and health professionals.

Dr Sarah White

She is a member of the National Women’s Health Advisory Council and the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s Women’s Health Products Group.

Dr White’s previous roles include: the head of Quit, Australia’s most comprehensive tobacco control program; the director of communications and fundraising at the Royal Women’s Hospital (Melbourne), where she also provided executive oversight of the hospital’s research portfolio, and; the first director of communications for the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research (now Ludwig Cancer), an international institute based in New York.

Dr White started her professional life researching breast cancer at University College London (UK) after completing a PhD in paediatric genetics at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute. She remains actively involved in research on women’s health and is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at The University of Melbourne’s School of Psychological Sciences.