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Appointment information

Find out more about what to expect at your Jean Hailes clinic appointment.

Fees and charges

The Jean Hailes Clinic is run by Jean Hailes for Women’s Health, a not-for-profit organisation. Any income from our clinic goes back into the cost of running and improving our clinical services.

Our clinics are private billing – we do not bulk-bill. The clinicians working in our clinics are specially selected independent contractors and set their own fees. Fees are listed on our clinician pages.

Payment on the day

We require full payment on the day of your appointment. For telehealth appointments, we require payment details in advance to confirm your appointment. You will be sent an SMS link to upload your credit or debit card details via HotDoc and be charged at the end of your telehealth consultation.

With your consent, we will process your Medicare claim at the time of payment (if you are eligible for Medicare).

All procedures incur a non-rebatable consumables charge. Please speak to our reception team for more information.

A $50 fee will apply if you cancel with less than 48 (working) hours’ notice or do not attend your scheduled telehealth appointment.

Card and bank fees

If you're paying by card, we charge the following fees to cover bank costs.

  • Mastercard Credit 0.75%
  • Mastercard Debit 0.35%
  • Visa Credit 0.75%
  • Visa Debit 0.35%
  • Eftpos 0.25%

Communication policy

We will only communicate by text message or email about your appointment. We will not communicate any medical information via text message or email. If your results require further explanation, we will call you or ask you to call us.

If you would like to follow up on your test results, please make another appointment by calling 03 9562 7555 (unless your doctor has given you specific instructions otherwise).

Reminders and cancellations

The week before your appointment, we will send you a booking reminder via text message. Please confirm your appointment by text or phone immediately. If you do not confirm at least three business days before your appointment, your appointment will be automatically cancelled, and you will need to call the clinic to reschedule the appointment.

If you cannot attend your appointment, please call us as soon as possible.

A $50 fee will apply if you cancel with less than 48 (working) hours’ notice or do not attend your scheduled clinic or telehealth appointment.

How to request a repeat prescription

If a Jean Hailes doctor has prescribed you with a medication within the last 12 months, you may be able to obtain a repeat prescription with a short (less than minute) telephone appointment.

A $20 fee applies for a repeat prescription appointment, and payment can be made over the telephone using your debit or credit card.

Call us on 03 9562 7555 to make an appointment for a repeat prescription.

Please note: you cannot book a repeat prescription appointment if you have not seen the Jean Hailes doctor within the last 12 months or if your health circumstances have changed. We also cannot provide new scripts for other medications.

Feedback and complaints

We value your feedback and take suggestions and concerns seriously. If you wish to provide feedback or make a complaint, please email us or call 03 9562 7555 and ask to speak to the Practice Manager.

If we do not respond to a complaint in a way that is satisfactory to you, you can contact the Victorian Government authority responsible for handling healthcare complaints:

Health Complaints Commissioner
Level 26, 570 Bourke Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: 1300 582 113
Email: [email protected]