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Managing anxiety

You don’t need to struggle with anxiety – there are lots of ways to manage it. One of the most important things you can do is be kind to yourself. Try not to judge yourself (e.g. “what’s wrong with me?” or “why can’t I handle this?”) as this can make you feel worse. Instead, acknowledge your feelings and remember you’re doing the best you can.

Approaching your anxiety with curiosity instead of judgement will help you understand it and find ways to manage it.

Remember, anxiety is a very common condition and there are lots of things you can do to get help.

What works for each of us will be different. You may need to try a few different approaches before you find one that helps you. Your health professional can also help you find the best approach.

Topics on this page

Practical places to start

It’s a good idea to try a range of self-help strategies. You might find different strategies work for different situations or symptoms. There is no right or wrong formula, so don’t be afraid to try them all.

Identify your triggers

There are often things, known as triggers, that can lead to anxiety. These can be different for everyone. You can also have more than one trigger. You may not always be able to avoid your triggers, but when you recognise them, it can help you to manage your anxiety.

Common triggers include:

  • caffeine, alcohol or tobacco
  • stressful or loud environments
  • tests or interviews
  • socialising
  • financial problems
  • health concerns or medical check-ups
  • relationship problems
  • travelling
  • side effects of some medicines
  • phobias.

Understand your triggers

You can try to understand what is contributing to your anxiety by following these eight steps:

  1. Write what you are anxious about.
  2. Write some things you could do to reduce or stop your anxiety.
  3. Go through each of your ideas from the previous step. For each one, ask:
    • What do I need to do to try out this idea?
    • What obstacles might I face in trying out this idea?
    • Do I think the idea will really help?
    • Am I willing to try out this idea?
  4. Pick the idea you like most.
  5. Plan how you can try the idea.
  6. Try the idea.
  7. Ask yourself if this action helped your anxiety levels.
  8. If your first idea didn’t work, try another one.

It can also help to talk about this strategy with someone you trust. They might help you or give you other ideas.

Change negative thoughts to positive thoughts

When you have anxious thoughts like “I can’t”, switch to positive thoughts like “I can”. Try to imagine a calm or coping thought, for example, “This too will pass.” And remember: anxiety is a feeling, not a fact.

Choose positive words you use regularly. The words should also focus on what you want to happen. When you say the words, try to believe they are true. Be confident about your ability to cope. You can also imagine a trusted person is advising you on how to handle the situation.

Select one or two statements from the list below or make up your own. Repeat the statements at least seven times each day. You can repeat them when you remember to, or when you feel anxious.

  • I am okay.
  • I can do this.
  • I am peaceful and at ease.
  • I am calm.
  • I have the strength to deal with anxiety.
  • I let go of anxiety.
  • I am strong.
  • I am dealing with anxiety.
  • My anxieties are thoughts, not reality.
  • I am letting go of all I cannot control.
  • I accept my anxieties – they are just thoughts.
  • This will pass.
  • These are fears, not facts.
  • Anxiety won’t hurt me.
  • If I stay in the present moment, I will manage.

Talk to someone you trust

When you were growing up, you might have learnt to keep your feelings and concerns inside. If you have anxiety, keeping your feelings inside can make you feel alone. When you talk to others, you will feel better and might learn some new strategies.

You might talk to your partner, friend, a family member or work colleague.

Find someone who:

  • you can trust
  • will listen to you
  • accepts you as you are
  • won’t judge you
  • might offer suggestions but won’t tell you what to do.

Express yourself

There are lots of ways to express your thoughts and feelings to reduce your anxiety. We have listed some ideas, but you might like to express yourself in other ways.

Write a journal

You can write your thoughts and feelings in a journal. Buy a notebook or write your thoughts on your computer or an app. You might do this when you notice anxious thoughts or as part of a regular routine, for example, daily or weekly. It’s totally up to you. But make sure this activity is helpful and doesn’t make you feel stressed. It’s important be honest and non-judgemental about your feelings. Remember to keep your journal private – unless you choose to share it with someone you trust.

Read tips on how to write a journal

Change your focus

It can be helpful to change your focus from thinking to doing. You can distract yourself and reduce your anxiety with things like household tasks or creative activities. Depending on your interests, you might try things like creative writing, gardening, painting, knitting or singing. Being creative helps you let go of anxious thoughts and gives you a sense of achievement.

Look after yourself

When you put yourself first and look after your health, it may help to improve your mood and reduce feelings of anxiety.

Healthy diet

A healthy, balanced diet helps your body get all the vitamins and nutrients it needs. Research suggests that a diet with fruit, vegetables and omega-3 fatty acids is associated with lower levels of anxiety. Whereas a diet high in fats, sugars and refined carbohydrates is associated with higher levels of anxiety.

Learn more about mood and food.

Listen to this mood and food podcast hosted by Janet Michelmore.


Exercise can be helpful when combined with other anxiety treatments, or on its own.

Research suggests that people who exercise regularly have better physical and mental health. Exercise has many benefits. For example, it:

  • releases the feel-good hormones called endorphins and serotonin, which improve your mood
  • reduces muscle tension, which helps you feel more relaxed
  • increases blood flow to the brain which helps you think more clearly
  • acts as a distraction and helps take your mind off your worries
  • reduces negative thoughts that feed anxiety
  • improves your confidence
  • increases social interaction, which can make you feel good
  • helps you sleep better
  • increases your energy levels.

Sleep well

A good night’s sleep is as important as healthy eating and exercise for good mental health. You should aim for 7–8 hours every night.

Sleep disturbance is common, affecting 90% of people at some point in their lives. This can be frustrating and can seriously affect your quality of life. But good sleep habits, like going to bed at the same time each night and keeping your mobile phone out of your bedroom can improve your sleep.

If you had a bad night’s sleep, try to let it go and avoid thinking that the day ahead will be worse. Remind yourself you are doing the best you can.

Regular exercise can also improve your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep.

In this podcast, psychologist Moira Junge talks about night owls, sleep disorders and why we shouldn’t panic when we can’t doze off.

Read health advice about sleep.

Avoid alcohol and drugs


Many people use alcohol to help them relax and reduce their anxiety. But health advice suggests you:

  • drink fewer than 10 standard drinks a week
  • drink fewer than four standard drinks a day
  • avoid alcohol if you’re pregnant, planning to become pregnant or breastfeeding.

Higher levels of drinking can cause short and long-term health risks, both physical and emotional. Research shows that risky alcohol use leads to problems like depression and mood changes. Once the effect of alcohol wears off, it can make you feel more anxious.

You can try reducing your alcohol intake, or avoiding alcohol completely, to reduce your anxiety.

If you are worried about your alcohol consumption, talk to your doctor.

Read health advice about alcohol.


Some people use legal and illegal drugs to reduce their anxiety. But your anxiety can actually increase when you rely on things like cigarettes, cannabis or other drugs to make you feel calm – especially if you don’t have access to them.

You can try to manage your anxiety by reducing or avoiding drugs.

If you are worried about your drug use, talk to your doctor.

Online resources

If you’re looking for information online, it is best to use websites, apps, and blogs from well-respected sources such as those with government backing or from an organisation with experts who understand anxiety.

Try the following online resources:

  • Heads up – Beyond Blue – information about mental health in the workplace
  • eCentreClinic (Macquarie University) – free online treatment courses for people with symptoms of anxiety and other mental health problems:
  • E-couch – a self-help interactive program covering depression, generalised anxiety and worry, social anxiety, relationship breakdown, and loss and grief:
  • MoodGYM – help to prevent and manage anxiety and depression:
  • This Way Up – tools to help manage anxiety and depression, hosted by the Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety and Depression, St Vincent’s Hospital and the University of NSW
Logo: Liptember Foundation

Thanks to Liptember Foundation for supporting Jean Hailes to produce these pages on anxiety. Each year, the Liptember Campaign raises funds and awareness for women's mental health during the month of September.

This con­tent has been reviewed by a group of med­ical sub­ject mat­ter experts, in accor­dance with Jean Hailes pol­i­cy.

Aucoin M, LaChance L, Naidoo U, et al. Diet and Anxiety: A Scoping Review. Nutrients. 2021;13(12):4418. doi:
Last updated: 
28 October 2024
Last reviewed: 
28 June 2022