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Sex and sexual health

Good sexual health means being able to enjoy a regular and satisfying sex life by yourself or with others. Good sexual health is important at any age.

Learn more about things that can affect your sex life, and how you can have good sexual health as you age.

What can affect your sex life?

Your sex life can change over time, but there are many things you can do to maintain a satisfying sex life.


As you get older, changes to your health or your partner’s health can impact your sex life. For example, conditions such as pelvic organ prolapse can affect your comfort during sex. If you have pain or mobility issues, you might need to try different ways to enjoy sex and intimacy. Learn more about what can affect your sex life and enjoying your sex life.


Some older women say they missed out on important sex education at school and don’t have the confidence to talk about sex, their sexual needs, and what they like and don’t like. Learn more about sex and sexuality.

Sexual desire (libido)

It’s normal for your sexual desire to fluctuate throughout your life. Lots of things can have an impact on your sexual desire, including life pressures, your relationships, physical health and medicines. Learn more about what can affect your sex life.


As you get older, it is normal for your relationships to change. If you’ve been in a long-term relationship and, for whatever reason, you’re ready to start having sex with other people, it’s important to have safer sex.

Safer sex is not just about protection from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It’s also about making sure everyone involved feels safe and respected.

Consent is an important part of safer sex. Sex should only happen when the people involved give enthusiastic consent.

Learn more about safer sex, healthy relationships and consent.

Painful sex (dyspareunia)

Physical changes associated with ageing can make sex uncomfortable or painful. For example, vaginal dryness is common after menopause. This can lead to vulval irritation, vaginal atrophy and painful sex. Painful sex is common, but you shouldn’t put up with it. Learn more about painful sex and what you can do about it.

This con­tent has been reviewed by a group of med­ical sub­ject mat­ter experts, in accor­dance with Jean Hailes pol­i­cy.

Last updated: 
30 April 2024
Last reviewed: 
02 February 2024

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