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Having an abortion means you choose to end your pregnancy. Unplanned pregnancies happen to women of all ages and backgrounds. About half the pregnancies in Australia are unplanned.

In Australia, people can manage their own health needs and choose what happens to their body. They can also access safe medical or surgical abortion services. But it can be hard to find and access quality abortion services in some areas across the country.

Learn more about different types of abortion, laws about abortion, parenting options and where to get help.

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What is abortion?

Abortion is a medical procedure that ends a pregnancy. It may also be referred to as a ‘termination’ or ‘pregnancy termination’. It’s estimated that about one-third of unplanned pregnancies are ended.

Reasons for abortion

Abortion is a personal choice. It can be a hard decision to make. There are many reasons why you might choose to have an abortion. For example, if you:

  • don’t feel ready or don’t want to have children
  • feel your family is complete
  • don’t have enough money to raise a child
  • have physical or mental health conditions
  • didn’t plan your pregnancy
  • aren’t in a stable relationship
  • are pregnant because of a sexual assault
  • find out your baby is not developing as expected.

Regardless of the reason, it’s your choice to end your pregnancy.

Types of abortion

There are two types of abortion: medical abortion and surgical abortion. Both are safe and effective.

Medical abortion

A medical abortion means you take medicines to cause a miscarriage. It can be performed in the first nine weeks of pregnancy. Medical abortions are available at private abortion clinics and some public hospitals or GP clinics. You may be able to access a medical abortion via Telehealth if you can’t go to a clinic in person.

What you can expect

You take a tablet that blocks the hormones needed for your pregnancy to continue.

You take a second medication after 24 to 48 hours, which causes your uterus to contract and miscarry your pregnancy (usually four to six hours later).
Most people find the bleeding and cramping is more than a typical period but it usually gets better within 24 hours. Bleeding can continue for up to two weeks.

Surgical abortion

You might choose to have a surgical abortion if you are more than nine weeks pregnant, or you don’t want to have a medical abortion.

Surgical abortion is usually done as a day procedure. Your doctor inserts a small tube into your uterus via your vagina. A gentle suction action removes the lining and contents of your uterus.

What you can expect

If you have a surgical abortion under general anaesthetic (while you are asleep), you will not experience any pain. But you may have cramping for a few days afterwards.

If you have a surgical abortion under local anaesthetic, you are likely to feel mild to strong cramps during the abortion. It’s normal to have cramping and pain that’s similar to a period for the next few days. You may also have light bleeding for up to two weeks.

To relieve pain, you can use heat packs, pain-relief medicines and get some rest. If you have severe pain, talk to your doctor.

Does abortion hurt?

If you have a medical abortion, you will have several hours of intense cramping, but the pain should ease once you have had the miscarriage. Your doctor can prescribe stronger pain medicine to help. You should be able to manage at home.

If you have a surgical abortion under general anaesthetic (while you are asleep), you will not experience any pain during the abortion. But you may have cramping for a few days afterwards.

If you have a surgical abortion under local anaesthetic, you are likely to feel mild to strong cramps during the abortion. It’s also normal to have cramping and pain that’s similar to a period for the next few days.

To relieve pain, you can:

  • use heat packs
  • take pain relief medicine
  • massage your lower abdomen
  • rest.

If you have severe pain or pain that doesn’t get better with pain relief medicine, talk to your doctor.

What should you avoid after an abortion?

For one or two weeks after an abortion, you should avoid:

  • heavy lifting, physical work and strenuous activities
  • having sex, using tampons and inserting anything in your vagina
  • having baths or going swimming.

Contraception after abortion

You can start contraception on the day you have an abortion. For example, you can have an IUD inserted during a surgical abortion or start the Pill after a medical abortion. This is important if you want to prevent future unplanned pregnancies.

Will abortion affect future pregnancies?

Having an abortion will not affect your ability to get pregnant or have children in the future.

How much does an abortion cost?

The cost of an abortion depends on:

  • the type of abortion
  • your stage of pregnancy
  • where you have the abortion (e.g. public or private clinic)
  • if you are eligible for Medicare
  • if you have private health insurance
  • if you need to travel to a clinic.

If you have a Medicare card and visit a private clinic:

  • medical abortion may cost $100 to $500
  • surgical abortion may cost $400 to $600.

Some clinics and public hospitals may have lower fees or there may be no charge if you are eligible. Your doctor can give you more information.

Do you need a doctor’s referral?

You do not need a referral from your doctor to book an abortion.

In Australia, if your doctor or healthcare professional has a ‘conscientious objection’ to helping you get an abortion, they must refer you to a doctor who will help. A conscientious objection means someone refuses to provide a service due to personal beliefs and values.

Counselling and support

You might need extra support before or after an abortion. You can talk to someone you trust, like a friend or family member, or seek professional support from a counsellor.

Parenting options

If you have an unplanned pregnancy and don’t want to have an abortion, you don’t have to. You can:

  • continue the pregnancy and decide to keep your baby
  • continue the pregnancy and put your baby up for adoption or foster care.

More information

You can find more information about abortion from:

You can also visit these websites:

A note about online information

When looking for information about abortion online, we recommend you use reliable and reputable websites to make an informed decision, such as the ones listed above.

Other websites (including anti-abortion or pro-life websites) may have inaccurate or harmful information and pictures.

Always talk to your doctor if you have questions or concerns.

Download our fact sheet on abortion

This con­tent has been reviewed by a group of med­ical sub­ject mat­ter experts, includ­ing Sex­u­al Health Vic­to­ria.

Angela J Taft, Mridula Shankar, Kirsten I Black, Danielle Mazza, Safeera Hussainy and Jayne C Lucke, Unintended and unwanted pregnancy in Australia: a cross-sectional, national random telephone survey of prevalence and outcomes, Med J Aust 2018; 209 (9): 407-408.|| doi: 10.5694/mja17.01094,
MSI Australia, Abortion Law in Australia, updated June 2022
Last updated: 
01 August 2024
Last reviewed: 
12 December 2023

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