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How to talk to your doctor: New series

Get the most out of your medical appointments for brain fog, bladder leakage, heavy periods and more. Our 6-part series includes practical advice and conversation starters from the experts.

How to talk to your doctor

How to talk to your doctor about menopause

Getting effective health care for menopause isn’t always easy. So how do you remove the obstacles? Here, experts in menopause care share their tips and tools to help you talk to your doctor.

Let's talk menopause

How to talk to your doctor about bladder leakage

No matter your age or what your bladder has been through, experts generally agree that leaking isn’t normal and can be treated. We look at seven ways to get the most out of your doctor’s appointments, with tips and advice to get past any embarrassment and get some much-needed relief.

Let's talk bladder leakage

How to talk to your doctor about midlife brain fog

Some health issues are hard to put into words. Brain fog is one of them. Whether it's forgetfulness, trouble concentrating or general fogginess, here's how to start the conversation with your doctor.

Let's talk brain fog

How to talk to your doctor about PCOS

Overwhelmed by a diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)? Here, we share some simple strategies you might like to use to build your knowledge, confidence and communications with your doctor.

Let's talk PCOS

How to talk to your doctor about painful sex

Experiencing pain instead of pleasure during sex is more common than you may think. Yet many of us struggle to talk about it with our doctors, who may be able to help. Here, we provide tips on how to raise the issue and get the most from your consultation.

Let's talk painful sex

How to talk to your doctor about heavy periods

One of the reasons many women put up with heavy periods is they think (and are often told) their periods are ‘normal’. Learn how to start the conversation about heavy periods with your doctor and get the health care that’s right for you.

Let's talk heavy periods