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Jean Hailes welcomes Senate Inquiry report on perimenopause and menopause

Media releases 19 Sep 2024

Jean Hailes for Women's Health welcomes the tabling of the landmark report from the Senate Inquiry into issues related to menopause and perimenopause, commending the attention being given to issues that affect millions of women in Australia.

Dr Sarah White

Dr Sarah White, CEO of Jean Hailes (pictured), said the report highlights critical areas to improve support and health care for women during and after the menopause transition.

“We are particularly pleased to see recommendations for improved healthcare professional education, affordable treatments and workplace flexibility."

“Jean Hailes strongly supports the recommendations for improved menopause education in medical training and public awareness campaigns to reduce stigma. These initiatives are crucial for ensuring that women receive accurate information and appropriate care during this life stage.”

Dr White said whilst Jean Hailes supported efforts to improve workplace flexibility, we should be careful of characterising menopause as universally problematic which could inadvertently reinforce ageist stereotypes.

“Not all women will struggle with severe menopausal symptoms. Some might struggle instead with endometriosis or migraines. Our approach must be to create inclusive workplace policies that support all employees through various life stages and health challenges.”

“It’s great to see a call for more comprehensive research, particularly on how women from multicultural and First Nations communities experience menopause and the economic impacts of menopause on women's workforce participation. This information will be fundamental to informing evidence-based policies and support systems,” said Dr White.

Dr White also welcomed recommendations to address the cost and shortages of menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) to ensure accessible treatment options, emphasising the critical need for women have access to safe, effective and affordable treatments when needed.

“Many of the recommendations have the potential to significantly improve the health and wellbeing of Australian women if implemented thoughtfully,” said Dr White. “Jean Hailes for Women’s Health has provided information and education on the menopause transition to generations of women and healthcare professionals. We look forward to contributing our expertise to the implementation of the adopted recommendations.”

Read the full report: Issues related to menopause and perimenopause

For media inquiries and to organise an interview with Dr White, please contact [email protected].

All rea­son­able steps have been tak­en to ensure the infor­ma­tion cre­at­ed by Jean Hailes Foun­da­tion, and pub­lished on this web­site is accu­rate as at the time of its creation. 

Last updated: 
26 September 2024
Last reviewed: 
26 September 2024