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Q: What blood tests are advised for a very slim girl?

For health professionals


Apart from thyroid tests, what blood tests are recommended in a 14-year-old very slim, over-athletic female? I read that she just has to eat more, rather than be given the oral contraceptive pill.

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From Jean Hailes Endocrinologist Dr Sonia Davison.

Unfortunately it’s difficult to give targeted advice without more information about your patient. But, getting a good history will help give you a clearer picture of where your patient is currently and the blood tests that will most likely be of benefit.

Look at periods, growth and development, how she is doing at school, amount of exercise, stress levels and how she copes with stress, family history, diet, presence of acne or hirsutism, and so on. If you are worried, a paediatrician’s assessment may be useful.

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Last updated: 
17 January 2024
Last reviewed: 
28 June 2024