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A guide to vulval self-checks

Do you know what yours looks like?

Your vulva is the external part of the female genitals that you can see. No two vulvas look the same. It’s important to get to know the look and feel of your vulva. That way, you can spot changes more easily and tell your doctor.

Three ways to get to know your vulva

Illustration of a mirror
Use a mirror

Ensure you have good lighting. Stand with one leg up or squat over the mirror.

Illustration of a shower
While showering

Use your fingers to feel for changes.

Illustration of a pair of womens underwear
Check your undies

Look for unusual discharge, including a change in colour, smell or texture.

How to do a self-check

  1. With clean hands and using a mirror, look at and feel the areas covered with pubic hair (mons pubis and labia majora).
  2. Gently part the outer skin folds and check the inner, hairless folds (labia minora).
  3. Check the skin around your vagina and urinary opening (where wee comes out).
  4. Check the skin between your vagina and anus (perineum).
  5. If something doesn’t look or feel normal for you, visit your doctor.

Look and feel for changes

  • A new lump
  • A cut, rash or ulcer
  • Soreness or itchiness
  • New or changing freckles or moles
  • Unusual discharge or unusual bleeding

Watch the video

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Duration: 1 min