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My body. My health. Presentations for multicultural audiences

Download our free educational presentations for multicultural audiences. The presentations are available in English and many community languages. These resources help educators – health professionals, bicultural workers, community workers and leaders – to deliver health information to women and girls across Australia.

These presentations are for multicultural audiences with low health literacy. We've used plain language, so they are practical and easy to understand.

The presentations are available in Arabic, Burmese, Simplified Chinese, Dari, Farsi, Hindi, Karen, Nuer, Somali, Swahili, Tamil, Thai, Tibetan and Vietnamese.

Presentation topics

  1. Health checks: What are health checks, when do you need to have them, and how to make an appointment to see a doctor.
  2. Good food for good health: A healthy diet, the 5 food groups, the importance of calcium and how to prepare healthy school lunches for children.
  3. Move more. Sit less: The importance of physical activity, physical activity guidelines and recommendations, and tips on how to move more during the day.
  4. Feeling good. How to feel more positive in life: Different types of feelings, how they can impact your life and what can help when you feel bad.
  5. The importance of vitamin D: Why is vitamin D important, and how can you get enough vitamin D.
  6. Menopause and your health. Stay healthy during and after menopause: When and why menopause happens, how to manage symptoms, and how to take care of your health during and after menopause.
  7. Sexual health and healthy relationships: Sexual health and sexuality, the importance of consent, different types of contraception, an unplanned pregnancy and abortion.
  8. Periods: The menstrual cycle, what to expect during a period, what is not normal during a period, and different period products available.

Hard copies are not available at the moment. Depending on the demand, we might do a reprint. Please register your interest by emailing us.

For women’s health resources in different languages, created by other organisations, please visit Health Translations.