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Dr Amanda Newman

Dr Amanda Newman

Women's Health General Practitioner (GP)


    Clayton (Thursday - every fortnight)
Dr Marnie Newman

Dr Amanda Newman is a specialist women's health general practitioner (GP) at Jean Hailes in Clayton.

Amanda is a general practitioner with many years’ experience working with women at Jean Hailes. She aims to help women clarify their knowledge of their health issues and prioritise their concerns, paying attention to the impact of their home and work environment on their health conditions.

When she’s not at work, Amanda practices yoga, sails, and climbs small hills. She stays connected with friends and spends time with her husband, adult children, and young grandchildren.

ServiceFeeMedical rebate
Consultation (less than 6 mins)$45$18.95
Consultation (6 to 20 mins)$120$41.40
Consultation (20 to 40 mins)$200$81.10
Consultation (40 to 60 mins)$330$118.00
Consultation (over 60 mins)$390$191.20

Make an appointment

To make an appointment call us.

(03) 9562 7555