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Dr Ann Watt

Dr Ann Watt

Women's Health General Practitioner (GP)


    Melbourne CBD (Tuesday)
Dr Ann Watt

Dr Ann Watt is a compassionate and non-judgemental health care professional dedicated to helping patients to achieve their health goals through meaningful and personalised approaches.

Ann has over thirty years’ experience in women’s sexual health, having worked at Family Planning Victoria, the Royal Women’s Hospital, and a Community Health Centre specialising in endometriosis. She is a member of the Australian Menopause Society, the Pelvic Pain Foundation, and the Medical Acupuncture College.

Ann utilises acupuncture, primarily laser based, to effectively treat a variety of conditions, including pelvic pain.

Additionally, she supports individuals in their weight loss journey using an evidence based, very low-calorie ketogenic diet where appropriate, or a variation of the healthy Mediterranean diet, supplemented by weight loss medications when necessary. She uses her prior experience in lifestyle medicine and Health Management Coaching to guide patients on their paths to improved health.

Ann is very proud of her 3 adult children. She enjoys meditating and striving to improve her own lifestyle!
ServiceFeeMedicare rebate
Consultation (less than 6 mins)$45$18.95
Consultation (6 to 20 mins)$120$41.40
Consultation (20 to 40 mins)$200$81.10
Consultation (40 to 60 mins)$330$118.00
Consultation (more than 60 mins)$390$191.20

Make an appointment

To make an appointment, please call us. If you're a new patient you'll need a referral.

(03) 9562 7555