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Dr Inge Putri

Dr Inge Putri



    Melbourne CBD (every second Monday)
photo of Inge Putri

Dr Inge Putri is a specialist gynaecologist and an AGES certified minimally invasive gynaecological surgeon, focusing on endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts, pelvic pain and abnormal uterine bleeding.

Inge graduated from the University of Melbourne in 2011 and completed her Obstetrics and Gynaecology training at the Joan Kirner Women's and Children's Hospital and Royal Women's Hospital in Melbourne and pursued further studies through UNSW, obtaining a Master of Reproductive Medicine with Excellence. She completed an additional 2 years highly regarded AGES (Australian Gynaecological Endoscopy and Surgery Society) Fellowship training, focusing on hysteroscopic, laparascopic and robotic surgery with a pelvic floor interest in Townsville. During her training, she received the AGES/Hologic Hysteroscopic travelling fellowship award and the RANZCOG Mizuno-Ratnam Young Gynaecologist award in 2024.

Inge is dedicated to providing an individualised care in a holistic approach according to each patient’s needs, using the latest evidence-based medicine.

She currently works at the Gynaecology 1 unit at the Royal Women's Hospital, as well as at Endosurgical unit and Public Fertility Service at the Joan Kirner Women's and Children's Hospital, working in both clinics and theatres. She operates at Epworth Hospital with her trusted team.

Inge is actively involved in global health efforts, providing education and training to doctors and midwives in rural Indonesia. In her spare time, she loves cooking, going for nature walks and travelling the world with her three energetic children.

ServiceFeeMedicare rebate
Initial consultation$300$98.95
New referral consultation$210$98.95
Review consultation$180$49.75

Make an appointment

To make an appointment, please call us. If you're a new patient you'll need a referral.

03 9562 7555