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2-6 September 2024

Women's Health Week 2024

From 2 to 6 September, women’s health steps into the spotlight. There are so many ways to get involved. You can host an event, promote the week, attend an event or sign up to receive the latest health information.

Your voice. Your choice

This year we’re shining a spotlight on some of the biggest issues in women’s health, under the banner of ‘Your voice. Your choice’. Every day during Women’s Health Week, Jean Hailes will release new resources, checklists, stories, podcasts and more.

Key dates

  • 6 May – Event registrations open - register your event now
  • 30 August – Event registrations close
  • 2 to 6 September – Women’s Health Week and full program released

Know your body

Get to know what’s normal for you with info on health checks, bowel health, skin checks and breast and vulval self-checks.
Day 1 - Monday

Courageous conversations

Tips and tools to help you talk to your doctor about menopause, hormones, heavy periods, PCOS and more.
Day 2 - Tuesday

Shame and stigma

Tackling taboos and sharing women’s stories about bladder leakage, painful sex, STIs and vulval irritation.
Day 3 - Wednesday

Point of difference

Some health conditions affect women differently. Today we look at heart health, migraine and pelvic pain.
Day 4 - Thursday

Trust your gut

Let’s make healthy eating easier. Learn nutrition basics and how to have a healthier relationship with food.
Day 5 - Friday
Women's Health Week 2024 Workplace Kit covers